02 May, 2011

We're back &

Yes, we are staying

Over the past five months since Michael and I have returned from living in South Africa any number of people ask us the same question: are you back for good? They got used to the idea that we traveled back and forth from Cape Town and seemed to think that we were going to continue doing so. Having heard  glowing stories about our lives there, they seem confused about our return to Winter, and freezing ice and snow. After this particularly long and brutal winter, I sometimes wonder why myself.

But the answer is simple. So we have patiently explained that despite our wonderful house and garden, terrific friends, and good fortune to live amidst incredible natural beauty, there is still no replacement for being closer to family and our old friends and of course the asparagus patch. We are lucky to have had the opportunity to live in Constantia for two years. And I know we can return to Cape Town in the future not just as tourists (well that applies to me, Michael's experience having grown up there is much more complex but he'll have to write his own blog to explain all that).
bulbs springing to life with most welcome Sun 

Vermont is our home and we are thrilled to have been able to celebrate Christmas here with our family, with a proper evergreen tree, even if the pictures were not yet hung on the walls (and still are not.) Perhaps I shall do a backwards looking entry to share a few of these newer memories.

Meanwhile, the recent popping up of the flowers, finally, in the front garden gives me hope for warmer weather and the lushness of summer!

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